

A fast paced dramatic thriller set in locations throughout Victoria, Australia. Grady (Marcus Graham) an ex-soldier whose life has been disrupted and his emotions disturbed, by his experiences at war and in prison, escapes from police custody after attending the burial of his murdered brother, Chris. Although free he is 'on the run' and is driven by his desire for freedom and a need to avenge his brother's death by finding his killer. With his hands still handcuffed Grady returns home and he turns to his former lover Kate, for help. Initially, Kate is not pleased to see Grady but she reluctantly agrees to help him. Grady attempts to call in some favors from his old cell mate, Keith, who together with Grady, Chris and their cousin Frank, were involved in money laundering operations. Keith is now keen to stay on the side of the law. Keith tells Grady that Frank and Chris were in business together and that Frank should not be trusted - Chris had made that mistake and now he was dead. Grady and Kate drive to Chris's country house and on their arrival they meet Frank Maguire. Frank is very nervous and Grady suspects that Chris was betrayed by the people whom he trusted most. They find a number of clues that Chris had left and they piece together the events leading to his death. Thrown together again they realize that their passion for each other still exists and, in an all explosive climax they are forced to fight for their lives - and their future

1994年上映,由马库斯·格雷厄姆,Doug Bowles,Nikki Coghill等主演的《绝壁逢生(原声版)》在澳大利亚Australia发行,《绝壁逢生(原声版)》高清BD1280下载,绝壁逢生(原声版)HD1280/1080p/百度云720P/BD1080P/免费高清版/在线观看。






3、问:🦄 电影《绝壁逢生(原声版)》演员表

答:绝壁逢生(原声版)是由Vincent Monton执导,马库斯·格雷厄姆,Doug Bowles,Nikki Coghill领衔主演的 动作片 。





丢豆网网友评论:Vincent Monton导演的作品,有欢笑、有泪水、有喜悦、有悲伤...,虚在自己的善良本性下得到了很多友谊,而且还收货了爱情。片子没有配音才是完美的,因为每个人的感悟都不同

豆瓣电影网友:《绝壁逢生(原声版)》那个场景真的很感人,就像每个人心底都有那么一段回忆,抓不住,却又那么唯美,后来它自己带着爱人及孩子在第二年春天,在那个画面中飞翔,整个画面播放了"虫"一生的意义是有挫折,有经历它才变得有故事,有勇气,有朋友,并和爱人孩子一起幸福生活!它是不是像极了自己心灵中的某个故事? 没有人类语言的场景,反而更让我们感受到了纯粹大自然感觉,没有语言告白,也许不同的你看完了有着不同的感受


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